Universal General & Engineering Inc

Have a construction-related question? We have the answer. Check out these FAQs and give us a call today for more information!

  • Do you offer free estimates?

    Yes, all estimates done by our house remodeler are free. Did you know that, according to Fixr.com, the U.S. home improvement market is projected to expand by an additional 10% from 2024 to 2027? Don't wait to join in on this growing industry. Give us a call today to schedule an estimate!

  • What is your availability?

    Our company works quickly, but specific availability depends on our scope of current projects. Give our house remodeler a call to learn more.

  • Do you handle obtaining all the necessary permits?

    Yes, as an expert house remodeler, we can obtain all of the permits.

  • Do you provide architectural plans and services?

    Yes, we're able to provide architectural plans. Work with a house remodeler you'll love from Universal General & Engineering Inc.

  • Do you offer warranties?

    Yes, but it varies on projects, so give our house remodeler a call to learn more.

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